Monday, December 04, 2006

Gift Cards

I sent an email out earlier this morning to all the people I normally buy Christmas presents for. Both of my parents replied saying all they want is gift cards to their favorite stores. What kind of nonsense is this?

I am not a fan of the gift card. It's the easy way out. Some may say money is tacky. I argue that the gift card is more tacky than money. Everyone likes money. When's the last you turned down cold, hard cash from someone? Didn't think so.

A gift card?

If I already know what stores you frequent often, why shouldn't I take a shot and buy you something? I got to go to the damn store anyways.

"I'd rather get something that I like", says my father.

So would we all. I hate opening up presents with a shirt I hate. But, then I remember that whoever gave me that shirt possibly put a whole lot of thought into it. I know the last gift I gave someone had a whole lot of thought behind it. That's pretty damn selfish to turn your nose up at a gift.

The biggest reason why I hate gift cards - people complaining about having to go back to the stores to return something they don't like. Um, hello you have to drive to down to the store to spend that gift card.

Ok, I think I'm done with this.

Pretty much a waste of my first blog.

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